The last few years have been a wild and emotional ride for us. We've relocated our lives hundreds of miles from our family and friends.We've been through months of fertility treatments with nothing to show for it. During all this time I tried over and over again to find a job. I wasn't used to staying at home and was eager to help Tom build our new life together. Although I struggled with trying to find a job, I enjoyed staying home with Jake, keeping house, and learning to cook. I was surprised at how fulfilling I found it. Even though I enjoyed it, I still felt responsible to find a way to help with our financial needs. Tom is an amazing provider and we were not lacking in anything, but I felt like I was a drain on our resources when I had the ability to actually build them up.
I tried to think about alternative methods of earning money. I thought of everything from selling Purses, Jewelry, Cook Ware, or Make-up. I even thought of buying used items and selling them on Ebay. I do not consider myself in any way a sales person, but I feel that I am a great customer service person. The whole idea of selling items and coming up with additional funds to start any of these options scared me away from any of the ideas. I'm not very brave when it comes to risk. I've always preferred the safe route to earning an income (going to work, working hard, and getting paid in the conventional way).
Now that I have a conventional job, I've realized that office work doesn't hold the key to my long-term happiness. I want the ability to control my income and schedule. I want to be able to manage myself without having to answer to other people about what I am doing or how I go about it. I also want the ability to take time off to be able to see our family (who all live far from us). In short I want control of my present and future. Once again I looked at my many options. After a lot of thinking (and a little desperation), I finally decided on my path. I'd like you to meet one of the newest Mary Kay Consultants - ME!
You might wonder why in the world I would chose to do such a crazy thing. It came down to two things. 1. It offers me everything I am looking for (see above) 2. I absolutely love their product (I would never try to sell something I didn't personally love). In my life I've used a lot of different products on my face and by far Mary Kay made me feel the best and gave me the best results.
I hope if you've never tried it you will let me come visit you and introduce you to a fresh new feel to your face. If you don't like it, that is okay. But you might be greatly surprised! My favorite products are their skin care items. Whether you use make-up or not, you have to try the "Miracle Set"! I love how soft it makes my face. It's the thing I missed the most when I cut back on my personal expenses and the first think I bought when I got my job. I hope you will give it a chance.
Please visit my new website by clicking here. For those of you that do not live close by I will ship anywhere within the United States and I have credit card ability for those that prefer it.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
5 months ago