When we first got Jake about 5 months ago, he was the biggest wimp. I don't know if those of you who live outside Washington know this but.....IT RAINS HERE. Sorry, inside joke. I was told that about 20 times before we moved here. Jake didn't want anything to do with the rain when we first got him. Luckily he's gotten a little used to it. He would go out of his way to avoid walking in the rain. When we would go on a walk, he would walk under the parking stall covers so no rain would fall on him. When we got to the end of one stall, he would dart to the next one. If we were walking somewhere where there wasn't anything to cover his po
When we got this huge snow storm, I was afraid Jake wouldn't want to leave the apartment. Boy was I wrong....he loves it!!! He'll just sit in front of our sliding glass door and beg to be taken out so he can play in it. The snow comes up to his stomach, so he basically has to jump around like a rabbit to get around. He always comes back soaking wet, but totally happy!
Here are some pictures!
I think this is Washington's way of softening our transition to living up here. For us, it's like winter as usual and Washington just wanted us to have one last snow day (or days as it turned out). It's made us glad to have the Landcruiser.
I've been wondering about you guys after hearing about the crazy weather up there! Glad you're safe and sound!
Hey - a new post! Jake and Kinsey, two little snow bunnies!
Hey, you did get a lot of snow there! I see your dog and it makes me want one...Kins would love it. But I just figure we can go to Tara's (OK, not really Tara's because her dog is HUGE and would eat Kinsey for dinner) but Jen's at least because she also has a Jake dog-forget the name. Kinsey LOVES it. The other day Debbie was like...they should breed their dogs...and I Was all "problem".
Hope jake is feeling better now.
Happy Birthday
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