A little while ago, Tom had the opportunity to volunteer to go to Japan for about 6 weeks to do a temporary stint on their help desk. I've always been supportive of anything that he felt he wanted or needed to do for his career. I also think that it is always a good career move to volunteer for anything that comes across your desk that is even remotely interesting to you. So, Tom put his name in for the experience. We've been knowing this was coming for a while now.
The only thing that has kind of made it strange was that I was always unsure weather I was going to accompany him. There was a part of me that would have loved going to Japan, but there was also a part of me that really wanted to find a job. If that happened, it was impossible that I could have asked for time off to go with my husband to Japan so I kept postponing the decision.
Recently I've come to the decision that there might be a reason that I'm not aware of that I haven't found a job. I just need to have faith that if I make the right decisions, things will happen in the best way for my life. So, Tom and I are looking for a ticket for me. Originally we were planning on riding in the same plane. Unfortunately, by the time we found out what flight that would be the ticket price was through the roof (it's a direct flight). So, we're probably going to buy a one-stop ticket for me on another flight. This will mean I won't be with him and it will take me longer to get there. But, we'll save a lot of money doing it this way.
Tom's leaving on March 1st and I'll leave somewhere around there too. He'll be there for about 6 weeks, but I'm only going to stay a month. We have some friends that have agreed to watch Jake for a month. That is a really long time to babysit a puppy. I kind of feel bad that I had to ask them for this favor, but I know I can trust them to take care of him while I'm gone.
5 months ago
I'm so excited for you (remember, I want earrings!)
What a terrific opportunity! You'll have a blast.
Wow, what an experience! Soak it up and enjoy it! Bryan would die to go to Japan for a month.
This trip really snuck up on me. I didn't realize it was coming up so soon. How will you be communicating? Phone? Email?
P.S. Are you planning to go visit Uncle Jay and Aunt Jenie while you are there?
That will be awesome, have a great time.
THIS IS AMAZING! Sorry, I just read this.
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