My romance with the Harry Potter books began soon after I got home from my mission. I was bored one day and looking for a book to read. My mom told me I should read Harry Potter. At first, I was really not into it. In my head, I figured it was a kids book. But I was that bored, so I started reading it. Long story short...I obviously loved it. That was the start of it all.
After that, I read every book as it came out. I was usually too cheap to buy them when they came out. So I'd just wait until my girlfriends read their copies and they would let me read theirs. Thank you very much Tammie & Shelli! Tom has since read them all as well.
We own all the movies as well. While we were in Japan, I had the opportunity to watch them all ......twice. I only made Tom watch them once. Watching the movies made me want to read the books again. So that's what I did when I got home. I pulled out my one and only copy (happily the first one) and started reading it.
The funny thing was as I was reading it, I realized I had remembered parts of it as they happened in the movie instead of the book. Very sad! It made me wonder how many other things in the rest of the books I've remembered wrong, by that I mean I remember them as the movies instead of the books. I have the 2nd book on hold at the library!
It's still fun the 2nd time around.
5 months ago
Isn't there something magical about rereading?
I agree, I also love Harry Potter. It is an easy, fun, exciting read! Enjoy the second time around! :)
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